Food Source is a component of Rooted Free, a Private Membership Association.
Please read through our Core Values to be sure they align for you, then join below.
Core Values:
We believe that true freedom begins within. You are what you eat! And also what you read or listen to, who you surround yourself with, what you participate in. Everything we allow in influences who we are as a whole, and what we are capable of achieving.
We believe deeply in the inherent abilities of the body and mind to achieve healing. We also believe that there is a mainstream agenda of intentional harm and choose not to consent to this.
We acknowledge that spirituality is universally relevant and unique to each individual. Spirituality relates to our personal desire to establish a relationship with the deepest meanings, powers, longings and dynamics that infuse our daily lives. It includes the human desire to become fully what we are, and realize our highest potential and possibilities.
Returning to the incredible examples in Nature, we believe that with individual efforts - voluntarily connected together, and unimpeded by outside forces - we are limitless.
We are committed to privacy, sovereignty, and integrity.
Membership Agreement (READ FULL AGREEMENT HERE)
1. I understand that this is the private domain.
2. I do not represent any Local, State, or Federal agency and have no
mission to enforce, entrap, or investigate.
3. I will take responsibility for myself and my children.
4. I won’t hurt people or take their stuff.
5. I understand the core values and this agreement and was not forced to sign it.
6. If I violate the agreement I'm out.
Sign Up Today!
Please complete the form to become a member of
Rooted Free and Food Source!